Three is a charm.

May 19, 2015

Yippie Day 3. This is usually the day that gets me down. Why? Well, that is a very good question, and if you have a semi-plausible answer, let me know, and I’ll go with it, because I haven’t got the faintest idea.

Today went well. I have kept myself busy by prepping tonight’s dinner. The only thing that went awry was breakfast and lunch; I had none. Not because “I’ma doin’ that diet thang”. Nope. I was not hungry. I know, right?! Who knew the when you eat the right stuff it fills you up and keeps hunger at bay for ages? This is where I slap my forehead and say “D’uh!”  …. because, believe it or not, I have known this stuff for years. I am 10/10 on the fact-y knowledge-y ‘Get on the horse’-thingy but kinda wobbly on the ‘Dismount’,  aka the application-y side of this beastie aka McDougall-ing/Barnard-ing/Esselstyn-ing. But heyho! At least I am still trying to get it right. Right?! Right. Ok then.

So anyhooo, dinner went down a storm. All made from scratch and it was as follows…

Breakfast: none

Lunch: none

Dinner: Sourdough Tortillas made from home-made rye sourdough & wheat sourdough mixed with home-ground Kamut & Millet, Soured Cream made from home-made tofu, Salsa, Cucumber, Crock-pot Beans, spicy dry-fried Rice Cubes.

Drinks: 2 cups of Coffee & Soy Milk, 750 ml water;

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